Improving Employee Performance Quality Through Training and Work Life Balance: Literature Review
Employee Performance, Job Satisfaction, Training, Work-Life BalanceAbstract
Employee empowerment is a major focus in organizations because it plays an
important role in improving performance. By improving employee skills and
motivation, organizations can create a positive impact on work productivity and
effectiveness. However, companies are faced with challenges in implementing
empowerment practices, such as changing organizational culture and overcoming
resistance to change. Therefore, companies must proactively address these
challenges to optimize employee empowerment and achieve organizational goals.
The concept of employee empowerment involves key elements such as providing
autonomy in decision-making, providing training and skills development, and
creating strong managerial support. In addition, open communication and policies
that support work-life balance also contribute to employee empowerment. By
implementing strategies such as rewarding achievements, working time flexibility,
and career development opportunities, companies can create a supportive
atmosphere. This study uses the literature review method to evaluate the impact of
empowerment through training and work-life balance on employee performance.
The results show that training and work-life balance consistently have a positive
impact on employee performance.
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