The Effect of Employee Satisfaction and Performance on Green Work Behaviour: A Literature Review
Green Human Resource Management, Employee Satisfaction, Employee Performance, Green Work BehaviourAbstract
With the growing emphasis on environmental sustainability, organizations are
increasingly adopting Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) practices.
GHRM integrates environmental management with HR functions, embedding
sustainable policies that promote ecological responsibility among employees. This
literature investigates the links between employee satisfaction, job performance, and
eco-friendly work behaviours in the GHRM framework, employing quantitative
research methods. Through sustainable HR practices, GHRM cultivates
environmental awareness within workplaces. By analysing survey data and
performance metrics, the review examines how employee satisfaction impacts
performance and, subsequently, supports green work behaviours. The findings
reveal a positive correlation amongst employee satisfaction and job performance,
with significant influence on environmentally responsible behaviours. Future studies
should focus on developing targeted strategies to enhance these outcomes,
strengthening GHRM’s role in promoting sustainability and driving improved
organizational performance.
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