The role of working and educated household mothers in increasing family income


  • Dewi Maharani Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin


Working Housewife, Level of Education, Increase Family Income


Indonesia is a country that has human resources with a larger population of women than men. Human resources are used as basic capital in state development. The female population represents a larger share of assets and problems in the employment sector. However, in situations like this, women must be able to manage the potential and abilities in the form of training or education. So that women have a good place to elevate themselves, their families and their nation. Women can also have an important role in improving the family economy in various ways, one of which is entrepreneurship. Women who work will definitely earn income and become a source of income, giving them more freedom in managing personal and household finances. So, housewives have great potential as workers to help financially in the family for the sake of survival together. This research aims to analyze the role of housewives who work and have education on family income based on scientific studies through literature studies.


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How to Cite

Maharani, D. (2023). The role of working and educated household mothers in increasing family income. Economic and Business Horizon, 2(3), 11–18. Retrieved from


