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Author Guidelines
Each manuscript published by Economic and Business Horizon (EBH) follows the conditions outlined below. Authors who will be submitting their manuscripts are requested to understand the guidelines well.
General Overview
In general, the structure and content of the manuscript must be able to show its uniqueness, novelty, thoroughness, contribution, value, and most importantly, it has ideas on issues in the social sciences, arts and humanities fields which are presented in a good and straightforward manner. The content of the manuscript can be in the form of research results or articles that review meta-analytical thinking, new theories, or important problem-solving inputs.
Manuscript Preparation
The main script file must be provided in Microsoft Word or RTF format in A4 size. In general, scripts are typed using the Times New Roman 12pt font and the line spacing is 1 with a margin of 3 cm on each side.
Authors are expected to divide the manuscript into two files. The first file is the title page containing the title, author's name, affiliation, contact and acknowledgment (if any), and the second file is the main manuscript containing abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion, conclusion and references. Other important and supportive files can be submitted as attachments.
Editors do not limit the number of pages for each manuscript, only that author must ensure that their main manuscript is between 5000 and 10000 including abstract, references, and tables. Manuscripts that are less than or exceed the specified word count will be returned to the author for revision before the manuscript is reconsidered by the editor.
Manuscripts must be written in English correctly and consistently. If authors feel that their manuscript may require editing, we encourage authors to use language editing services. This is important to eliminate possible grammatical errors. In addition, the language used must be inclusive and free from bias. Authors can learn more about this issue in the APA guidelines for bias-free language.
Specific Points
Article titles should be specific, effective, and reflect the content of your text. A good title is no more than 15 words. Please avoid using unusual formulas and abbreviations.
Full names (all) of the authors must be written accurately without including any titles. Please ensure that the author's last name is not abbreviated. Mark each author with a numeric superscript to indicate their affiliation, country of origin and contacts. A brief biography (no more than 100 words) can be added. Make it clear who will handle correspondence at all stages and in the publication process. Make sure the email address and contact details provided are kept up to date by the author concerned.
The abstract is not an introduction or conclusion so it should state briefly and unequivocally the research objectives, methods, main results and main conclusions. Consisting of 200-250 words in a single paragraph consistently. It must be able to provide a strong and comprehensive description of the contents of the manuscript and how important the article is.
Keywords consist of 4 - 9 specific words or phrases related to the theme being discussed. Avoid common terms, plurals, conjunctions and abbreviations, if possible.
Manuscripts submitted to this journal should have main headings in the form of an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion, reference.
- Introduction. It should briefly place the study in its broad context and highlight why it is important. It should define the purpose of the work and its significance. The specific hypothesis being tested can be presented.
- Literature review. The current state of the research field should be carefully reviewed and major publications cited. Controversial and distorted hypotheses can be emphasized.
- Methodology. The methods and procedures used in new research should be described in detail to allow other researchers to imitate or duplicate. Meanwhile, established methods can be adequately described and quoted appropriately.
- Results. It provides a concise and precise description of the test results, interpretations and conclusions that can be drawn. Presentations using tables and illustrations can enrich the presentation.
- Discussion. The author should present the significance of the results and not just repeat them. It allows the reader to be able to provide an assessment of the analysis and interpretation carried out and why, and then can confirm or reject the conclusions. This section can also be combined with Results.
- Conclusion. Important points of the study are emphasized here but not in order to replicate the abstract. Suggestions for further research, flaws and limitations of the study should be presented.
Please use standard headings to help readers navigate the manuscript quickly. Using numbers sequentially can help with navigation.
This journal uses in-text citations (not footnotes) in the style of the American Psychological Association (APA Style). The reference list should be arranged in alphabetical order. More than one reference from the same author in the same year must be identified with the letters 'a', 'b', 'c', and placed, without spaces, after the year of publication (e.g., (Robert, 2020a)). Please ensure that any references cited in the text are also in the reference list, and vice versa.
All artwork or illustrations (graphics, diagrams, line drawings, web pages/screenshots, and still images etc.) must be ensured that they do not infringe copyright and are presented in good format and adequate resolution (for the sake of the printed version). Ensure that the data presented in it do not duplicate the results described elsewhere in the article. Please send the table as editable text (with .doc, .rtf, Excel format) and not as an image. Use a font between 9 or 10 pt for tables and other possible illustrations.
Ensure abbreviations throughout the article consistency. Acronyms with more than four letters are written in lowercase except for the first letter. Abbreviations are written in capital letters. They should be mentioned at the beginning of the article.
Please follow the rules and conventions according to the international system of units (SI). If another equation is mentioned, give its equivalent in SI (
If there is more than one appendix, please label each with a capital letter (e.g. Appendix A, Appendix B). Each appendix should have an appropriate title.
Explain the role of all those who provided financial support for your research and/or prepared the article, and briefly describe the role of the sponsor, if any, in the research design; in data collection, analysis and interpretation; in writing reports; and in the decision to submit articles for publication. Acknowledgments are organized in a separate section at the end of the article before references.
Conflict of Interest
Authors must identify and state any circumstances or personal interests that could be deemed to influence the representation or interpretation of the reported research results.